Tom, 71, New Mexico
"Ei ole reilua , että kaikki tietävät Viagran , Levitra toimii täydellisesti minulle ja lisäksi se on halvempi ja helpompi löytää. En ole kokenut mitään haittavaikutuksia, ...
Vanessa, Hermitage
Olen saanut tilauksen ja aion tilata toisenkin pian.
Barbara, Ansonia
Olen pahoillani, että olen epäillyt palvelujanne. Sain tiedon postista pakettini saapumisesta. Saan paketin tänään. Kiitän avustanne.
Anger as some infected blood payouts put on hold
Some families of those who died have been told payments due before Christmas have been put on hold.
Fix palliative care before assisted dying is introduced, doctors urge
Leading end-of-life doctors warn system is struggling, and changing law could make situation worse.
Tears, hope and fear as assisted dying bill passed
While MPs debated the bill in parliament, supporters and opponents gathered outside.
MPs back proposals to legalise assisted dying
In the first Commons vote on the issue in nearly a decade, MPs support the assisted dying bill by 330 ...